Binaural frequency list
Binaural frequency list

binaural frequency list

  • Talking about cellular processes, 639 Hz frequency can be used to encourage the cell to communicate with its environment.
  • This tone can be used for dealing with relationships problems – those in family, between partners, friends.
  • Enables creation of harmonious interpersonal relationships.
  • This ancient solfeggio frequency enhances communication, understanding, tolerance and love. This is being used for bringing harmony in family, friends and in social circle. Learn more about 528Hz frequency 639 Hz Solfeggio FrequencyĦ39 Hz solfeggio frequency enables us to connect and balance harmonious interpersonal relationship.
  • Used for balancing Solar Plexus Chakra.
  • It also helps in balancing and tuning Solar Plexus Chakra which helps in more Self Confidence and Self Esteem.
  • Heals chakras which is followed by its beneficial effects of increased amount of energy.
  • It brings transformation and miracles into your life.
  • Promotes reducing stress harmon cortisol in our body.
  • When we combine these 2 powerful sources of sound and vibration, what we get is totally miraculous. It also helps in balancing and tuning Solar Plexus Chakra which helps in more Self Confidence and Self Esteem. It is known for its powerful transformation effects on human body as it helps to reduce the stress harmon cortisol in our body which is followed by its beneficial effects of increased amount of energy. Solfeggio frequency of 528Hz, is known as the Love Frequency, Miracle Tone, Frequency of Transformation.
  • Removes Negative Thoughts and behavior patterns.
  • Removes Negative Energy from the home and office.
  • binaural frequency list

    It is a frequency that can bring change it marks the starts of new beginnings in the life, and it is so powerful that it can reverse and undo negative happenings. 417 Hz Solfeggio FrequencyĤ17 Hz is one of the beautiful solfeggio frequency which is known to wipe out all the negativity inside us. Liberates from subconscious negative beliefs and thoughts.It helps you to overcome the fear which is usually the main obstacle in realizing our dreams and goals.It eradicates feeling of guilt, even the guilt residing deep in subconscious mind.

    binaural frequency list

    This solfeggio frequency is also used for awakening and turning grief into joy. Vibrations of music releases you from the feeling of guilt and fear. This frequency cleans the feeling of guilt which often represents one of the basic obstacles to realization. Healing sound frequency 396 Hz has beneficial effects on feeling of guilt. These frequencies are believed to create positive shifts to those in proximity to them. Solfeggio frequencies are nine tones derived from numerology were used centuries ago.

    Binaural frequency list